
Dance. Pure and simple.

For all that I preach about how the dance industry should use technology to the best of its advantage in order to make more money and become more relevant to mainstream culture, it's important to take a step back and remember what's so amazing about dance: LIVE dance- in person, in a theater.

I performed in a dance show this weekend at the Stella Adler Theater on Hollywood Boulevard. I've been rehearsing for the show for a couple months now and it's crazy that it's finally over. We performed on the Irene Gilbert Stage at the Stella Adler Theater. It's a very intimate setting with four rows of comfy old time movie theater style seats. It holds about 85 people when you add an additional row of folding chairs in the back, which we did because we were sold out over capacity every night (woohoo!!!).

There's nothing like live theater. Especially with a dance concert that is so intimate where audience members even in the back row can see sweat dripping from the performer's faces, as well as if they have a bruise on their right knee.

The thing about an intimate live dance concert is that it's SO real. SO human. This is what makes me think back on all my posts I've written about digital dance concerts distributed in cineams, or amazing performances on YouTube, and the like. F the digital world.

....... Then again:
-The "SHE Dance Company" MySpace profile page
-The Facebook event invitations
-The countless emails and  text messages to schedule rehearsals
-The video recording of every dance to review and improve dances between each performance
-The photographer who took digital photos of "SHE Dance Company" for future digital promotion
-Apple computer's music editor, GarageBand, that enabled quick music editing and mixing
-The online database system used for hiring dancers to perform in the show

Wow- guess we did use a lot of digital technology. Maybe that's part of the reason we sold out? At the bare minimum the online social networking event pages (MySpace, Facebook) proved successful. :-)

And if you're interested... Here's the SHE Dance Company (very minimal) MySpace page. And our flier: 

And as soon as some video footage from our show is available I'll post it up!

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